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Description |
Date : 25 Sep 2003 ( F/5.9 1/50 sec. ) ( F/5.7 1/60 sec. )
Sun rays through clouds, view from hotel window, St Mellons, Cardiff. |
Date : 24 Sep 2003 ( F/5.7 1/160 sec. ) ( F/7.8 1/125 sec. ) ( F/3.6 1/200 sec. )
Sunset from the river-side path outside The Tower of London. |
Date : 06 Apr 2003 ( F/6.2 1/650 sec. )
Sun rays through clouds, Potters Bar, just north of London. |
Date : 01 Apr 2003 ( F/5.9 1/650 sec. ) ( F/5.6 1/650 sec. )
Cirrus cloud from the hotel bedroom, Cardiff. |
Date : 23 Mar 2003 ( F/5.6 1/400 sec. )
Tree against a bright blue sky, Trent Park, Cockfosters, London. |
Date : 19 Jan 2003 ( F/7.8 1/160 sec. )
Active cumulus near Coventry. |
Date : 24 Nov 2002 ( F/6.5 1/3000 sec. )
Active cumulo-nimbus under a layer of cirrus and alto-stratus cloud seen from the window of my flat in London.
I'm not sure if the cloud that seems to be head of the cumulo-nimbus is an anvil cloud or just some lower level stratus drifting in front for the shot, what do you think? |

Date : 26 Jan 2003 ( From F/2.8 1/100 sec. to F/3.4 1/8 sec. )
Sunset at my Mother's house in Potters Bar.
The combination of the pink on the clouds and the bright blue of the sky made this spectacular - the pictures hardly do the scene justice. A wider angle lens would have been better I think. I took the shots over a period of 16 minutes. |
Date : 25 Jan 2003 ( F/7.8 1/2 sec. ) ( F/5.9 1/2 sec. ) ( F/5.6 1/2 sec. )
Sunset from the bridge over the M3 at Fleet services. |
Date : 12 Oct 2002 19:02 F/2.8 1/2 sec. hand held
The last light of the day reflected off the canal. I am amased at the lack of camera shake visible. |
Date : 21 Sep 2002 11:24 F/6.2 1/10,000 sec.
I used the ornamental lamp to eclipse the sun to give this shot of cirrus cloud. This was taken during a Morris dancing weekend based at Ripon racecourse. |
Date : 28 Aug 2002 20:11 F/3.3 1/80
Sunset from my Mum's front window. |
Date : 27 Jul 2002 21:03 F/5.6 1/8,000 sec.
Looking down on cumulus cloud near Toronto, Canada. Yes, it is an older plane - Dash 8 I think - and the prop. was turning but at a 1/8,000 th of a second it is frozen. There were some cumulus clouds with anvil cloud forming (none of my shots of them are very clear) and when I was changing flights at Toronto we were delayed for over an hour by a vigorous storm. |
Date : 04 Apr 2002 07:00 F/5.6 1/250 sec.
Early morning - the canal is mirror like and reflects the sky. I think the surface was acting as a polarising filter because the reflections of the clouds and sky were much clearer than the actual ones. |
Date : 30 Mar 2002 18:24 F/5.9 1/5,000 sec.
On the afternoon of the first day of our canal trip I caught the sun's rays around this cloud. |
Date : 30 Dec 2001 16:11 ( F/6.6 1/500 sec. ) ( F/3.3 1/200 sec. ) (edited copy of first picture)
Two shots of the same footpath sign but with different camera settings. I like the look of the clouds on the first one but the foreground is better in the second one. The third picture is a copy of the first one with the a "Gamma Correction" of the whole image to lighten it. |
Date : 10 Nov 2001 16:16 F/5.9 1/5,000 sec.
The sun was so bright that I couldn’t see the ripple effect on the clouds and it was only later I realised just how good the picture was.
This has sad memories for me. We were out walking in the New Forest when some other walkers said they had found an injured stag. We went to look and sure enough, hidden in a thicket, there it was. It looked like it had two broken back legs and if you got too close it struggled and tried to move away. We eventually managed to find the right person to come and put it out of its misery - I took this picture while we were waiting for the ranger to come and shoot it.