Happy Birthday Blodt and Smidigt
It hardly seems possible - one year ago I started this site and now it has come around to renewal time for the hosting contract. Initially the "holding page" stayed here for several months - do any of you remember this?

Eventually I got my act together and gradually, piece by piece, this site has risen.
Every piece of HTML is lovingly hand crafted in Notepad ... to give that slightly rough texture :)
What of the future? Well I have plans ... how far they progress depends upon my time allocation and priorities for life.
- I have a place in the London Marathon in 2003 so I'll try to keep you up to date with my training schedule. So far I'm concentrating on the protein and carbohydrate side and will get around to some actual running later.
- I have upgraded the hosting account so I can now store more files, have a higher data rate and have a MySQL database so there will eventually be some cool search pages to let you search through all the pictures on the site, but don't hold your breath waiting for this.
- Finally, well finally as I'm sitting typing this, I have some code for linking to a virus information site. I want to add this and some general links for security sites.
- If you would like to comment or make a suggestion about the site then please feel free to contact me via my livejournal or e-mail me if you know my address (I'll leave you to actually find out what my address is if you don't already know me).
Happy Christmas, Noel, Yule or whatever else you celebrate in December.
A special (hug) to all my on-line friends - you mean a lot to me, more than mere words can express.
Peace and happiness to you all.
Peter Sheil
This web page is Copyright 2003 - Peter Sheil